Car restoration company saves on their business rates with the help of RVA Surveyors Case study: Car Restoration Company | West Midlands Specialising in the manufacture and restoration of classic cars, particularly focusing on Jaguar E-types. KEY FACTS SIX MONTHS ACHIEVED IN £2,619 SAVINGS Office & PremisesRead more →
Fencing supplier saves on business rates with the help of RVA Surveyors Case study: Fencing Supplier | West Midlands Specialising in the manufacture, supply, and installation of various fencing products, including garden, decorative, and security fencing. KEY FACTS FIVE MONTHS ACHIEVED IN £3,085 SAVINGS Office & PremisesRead more →
Dentist drills down business rates with the help of RVA Surveyors Case study: Dentist | East Midlands Specialising in aesthetic dentistry with over 35 years of experience. They focus on creating smiles by providing high-quality dental restorations and services. KEY FACTS FOUR MONTHS ACHIEVED IN £2,674 SAVINGSRead more →
Liverpool restaurant reduces business rates with RVA Surveyors Case study: Restaurant | Liverpool Specialising in selling seafood products through retail outlets. KEY FACTS 4% REDUCTION BASED IN LIVERPOOL BACKDATED SAVINGS TO 1ST APRIL 2023 The Client Our client operates a café and shop, serving the local communityRead more →
Opticians gets a clearer view of savings with RVA Surveyors Case study: Opticians | Lancashire Specialising in retail sales related to eye care and other human health services, providing optician services, including eyewear sales and eye health assessments. KEY FACTS 28% REDUCTION BASED IN LANCASHIRE BACKDATED SAVINGSRead more →
Aircraft manufacturer optimises business rates with RVA Surveyors Case study: Aircraft Manufacturer | West Midlands Specialises in custom-made seat covers for the aerospace industry, particularly focusing on aircraft seating. KEY FACTS 13% REDUCTION BASED IN WEST MIDLANDS BACKDATED SAVINGS TO 1ST APRIL 2023 The Client Operating fromRead more →
Real estate management firm drives down business rates with RVA Surveyors Case study: Real Estate Management Firm | London Specialising in the letting and operation of its own or leased real estate properties. KEY FACTS FIVE MONTHS ACHIEVED IN £9,038 SAVINGS Office PROPERTY TYPE The Client SituatedRead more →
Industrial automation company reduces business rates with RVA Surveyors Case study: Industrial Automation Company | East Suffolk Specialising in automation solutions for various industries, including ocular, medical, pharmaceutical, fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG), and industrial packaging. KEY FACTS FIVE MONTHS ACHIEVED IN £5,218 SAVINGS Warehouse PROPERTY TYPE TheRead more →
Health Practice reduces business rates with RVA Surveyors Case study: Health Practice | West Midlands Specialise in general medical services, offering a range of healthcare services to registered patients. KEY FACTS SIX MONTHS ACHIEVED IN £6,549 SAVINGS Medical Centre PROPERTY TYPE The Client Located in Wolverhampton, ourRead more →
Distribution company drives down business rates with the help of RVA Surveyors Case study: Distribution Company | East Midlands Specialise in road haulage, storage, and freight forwarding services, offering a fleet ranging from vans to articulated trailers. KEY FACTS THREE MONTHS ACHIEVED IN £6,416 SAVINGS Warehouse PROPERTYRead more →